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1t/h rock gold processing plant

A 1 ton per hour (1t/h) rock gold processing plant is designed to achieve a specific extraction and purity level of gold from mined ores. Below is a brief overview of what such a plant typically entails:

Components and Workflow:

  1. Crushing & Grinding:

    • Jaw Crusher: Break down larger rocks and ore into smaller, manageable sizes.
    • Ball Mill: Further grinds the crushed ore to a powdery consistency to allow for easier separation of gold.
  2. Classification:

    • Classifier or Cyclone: Separate fine particles from coarser particles based on size and density.
  3. Concentration:

    • Gravity Concentration Equipment: Such as a shaking table or centrifugal concentrator to separate gold from the ore based on density differences.
  4. Leaching & Adsorption:

    • Leaching Tanks/Agitators: Mix finely ground ore with water and chemicals to dissolve the gold.
    • Activated Carbon: Absorbs dissolved gold from the solution in Carbon-in-Pulp (CIP) or Carbon-in-Leach (CIL) systems.
  5. Desorption & Electrowinning:

    • Elution Column: Strip gold from carbon.
    • Electrowinning Cells: Recover gold from the eluted solution.
  6. Refining:

    • Smelting Furnace (optional): For the final purification of gold.

Key Considerations:

  • Feed Source: Quality and consistency of the ore feed.
  • Water and Material Handling: Efficient management is crucial for both operational efficiency and environmental compliance.
  • Chemicals: Safe handling and disposal of chemicals used in the leaching process.


  • Power Supply: Ensure reliable electricity for continuous operation.
  • Water Supply: Adequate water for the various processing steps.
  • Waste Management: Proper disposal systems for tailings and effluent to mitigate environmental impact.

Services and Maintenance:

  • Regular inspections and maintenance of all mechanical and electrical components to minimize downtime.
  • Skilled operators and technicians to ensure smooth running of operations.


  • Robust safety measures and protocols to protect workers from chemical exposure, heavy machinery, and high temperatures during refining processes.

A well-designed and efficiently operated 1t/h rock gold processing plant can significantly enhance gold recovery rates while minimizing environmental impact and operational costs.

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