
Magnetic Separation

What is magnetic separation?
Magnetic separation is an industry process in which magnetically susceptible materials with different magnetic rigidities are extracted or separated from a mixture by using different magnetic forces. Generally speaking, magnetic separation is particularly suitable for separating weakly magnetic minerals or strongly magnetic minerals, or for de-ironing.



What minerals are most suitable for magnetic separation?
Iron ore: Magnetite, Hematite, Limonite, Siderite, Titanomagnetite, etc..
Black sea iron sands, Manganese ore, etc..
Non-ferrous minerals: Scheelite, Quartz, Feldspar, Galena, Fluorite, etc..

What is the working principle of magnetic separators?
The magnetic separator consists of a large rotating drum, in which permanent magnets are wrapped and fixed, so it creates a magnetic field. When materials enter the feeding cell, sensitive particles will respond to the magnetism and stick to the drum. As the drum rotates, the magnetism will become weaker and weaker. With the washing or cleaning forces, sensitive particles will fall down and be collected into the concentrate hoppers. As for non-magnetic particles, they will be flowed out from the discharging opening.

What are applications of magnetic separators?
Magnetic separation is an important process in the beneficiation of iron ores, and finds application in the treatment of paramagnetic non-ferrous minerals and in the processing of non-metallic minerals. Technically speaking, low-intensity magnetic separators can be used to concentrate ferromagnetic minerals such as magnetite (Fe3O4), while high-intensity separators are used to separate paramagnetic minerals from their gangue. What’s more, magnetic separators can remove unwanted magnetic minerals from non-ferrous minerals.

How many kinds of magnetic separators can be classified?
According to magnetic intensities, magnetic separators can be classified into three kinds: low-intensity magnetic separators (900-1700Gauss), middle-intensity magnetic separators (2000-6000Gauss), high-intensity magnetic separators (6000-20000Gauss).
According to their working conditions, magnetic separators can be classified into three kinds: dry magnetic separators, wet magnetic separators, and high-gradient magnetic separators.



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