
Iron Ore

In the development of human society, the invention of the steel plays a very big role. Even now, the production of steel is still a very important figure to measure one country's industrial development level. So the iron mining is very import for every country.

Types of Iron ore:

The main type for steel smelting is Magnetite hematite, siderite, Limonite etc. Fe is always exists in nature by the state of the compound and It occurs chiefly as the dioxide. Here is the specification of the above Iron ore.

Name Content Specific gravity Color Theoretical grade Cutoff grade Production grade
Magnetite Fe3O4 or FeO· Fe2O3 5.15 Dark gray 72.40% TFe≥20%, mFe≥15% TFe≥25%, mFe≥20%
Hematite Fe2O3 5.26 Dark red 70% TFe≥25% TFe≥28%
Siderite FeCO3 3.8 Steel grey 48% TFe≥20% TFe≥25%
Limonite Fe2O3·nH2O 3.6~4.9 Ocher or brown 62.90% TFe≥25% TFe≥30%

Note: If the Magnetie contain too much iron silicate, iron sulphide and iron carbonate, please use the mFe standard.

The Solution for processing Iron ore

a. Low intensity magnetic separation (LIMS) technology.
b Low intensity magnetic separation technology+ flotation process

a. High intensity magnetic separation technology;
b. Reduction roasting process+Low intensity magnetic separation technology
c. High intensity magnetic separation technology+gravity treatment process+flotation techniques

a. High intensity magnetic separation technology
b.Neutral roasting process+low intensity magnetic separation technology
c.Flotation process or Flotation + high intensity magnetic separation technology

a. High intensity magnetic separation techniques
b.Roast reduction process+ Low intensity magnetic separation techniques
c. High intensity magnetic separation techniques+ flotation techniques

Among all the processing methods, how to determine which method is the best for your iron ore?
Doing the dressing test is for choosing the suitable and economical mineral processing technology The research report will be as the basis of the project feasibility study.


Common equipment

PEW Jaw Crusher, HP Cone Crusher, HST Cone Crusher, S series cone crusher, vibrating screen
Ball mill
Hydro cyclone, spiral classifier
CTL series dry magnetic separator
CT series wet magnetic separator
SF Series Flotation Cells
BF Series Flotation Cells
XCF-KYF Series Flotation Cells

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