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How to install a conveyor belt down a crusher?

Installing a conveyor belt down a crusher is a complex and potentially hazardous task that should ideally be performed by professionals. However, for reference purposes, the general steps might include:

  1. Safety First:

    • Ensure the crusher and any associated machinery are completely shut down and locked out.
    • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) including gloves, helmets, and safety glasses.
    • Ensure the area is clear of unnecessary personnel.
  2. Preparation:

    • Measure the required length and width of the conveyor belt.
    • Inspect the conveyor path to ensure it's clear of obstructions.
    • Gather the necessary tools and equipment such as wrenches, pulley aligners, and belt cutters.
  3. Remove Old Belt (if applicable):

    • Release the tension from the existing belt by adjusting the tensioners.
    • Cut the old belt and remove it carefully to avoid damaging the conveyor structure.
  4. Install New Belt:

    • Position the roll of the new belt properly to avoid twisting.
    • Starting at the head pulley (the pulley at the top of the conveyor path), thread the belt down through the system.
    • Use winches or come-alongs to help pull the belt through, ensuring even tension throughout.
  5. Align and Tension the Belt:

    • Align the belt so it's centered on the pulleys and idlers.
    • Gradually tighten the tensioners, checking alignment and ensuring the belt remains centered.
    • Aim for even tension distribution to prevent slippage or excessive wear.
  6. Connect and Secure:

    • Once the belt is in place, use a mechanical splice or vulcanization to join the two ends of the belt.
    • Double-check all connections and ensure the splice is secure and flush with the belt surface.
  7. Test Run:

    • Before restarting the crusher, conduct a thorough inspection.
    • Run the conveyor belt system without load to ensure smooth operation and proper alignment.
    • Monitor for any unusual sounds or movements, and make adjustments as necessary.
  8. Final Adjustments:

    • Perform a full operational test with load and make any final tension or alignment adjustments.

Remember, these steps are a simplified guide and should not replace comprehensive training or professional installation services. Always refer to the manufacturer’s manual and safety guidelines specific to the equipment being used.

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