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how to cal belt conveyor length for stone crusher ?

To calculate the belt conveyor length for a stone crusher application, follow these steps:

  1. Determine the Conveyor Layout: Check the conveyor path and layout. Measure or determine the horizontal distance between the start and end points of the conveyor. Also, take note of any inclines or declines along the path.

  2. Measure the Elevation Changes: Calculate the vertical rise or fall the belt conveyor needs to cover. This helps in determining the inclined length if there are elevation changes. If the start and end points are at different heights, measure the vertical distance (H) between the two points.

  3. Calculate the Conveyor Length:

    • For a straight horizontal conveyor, the length (L) is simply the horizontal distance (D) between the start and end points.
    • If there is an incline or decline, use the Pythagorean theorem to find the inclined length: L=D2+H2 where:
      • ( L ) is the conveyor length
      • ( D ) is the horizontal distance
      • ( H ) is the vertical rise or fall
  4. Add Extra Length for Tail Pulley and Head Pulley Adjustments: Consider including additional length to account for the belt wrap around pulleys. This additional length is sometimes estimated or specified by the manufacturer.

  5. Account for Belt Sag and Tension Adjustments: Depending on the tension, there might be some sag in the belt. Make adjustments according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Example Calculation: If you need to design a conveyor for a stone crusher with:

  • Horizontal distance ( D = 50 ) meters
  • Vertical rise ( H = 10 ) meters

Then the conveyor length ( L ) would be: L=502+102=2500+100=260051meters

So, the length of the belt conveyor for this example would be approximately 51 meters, plus any additional length needed for pulley adjustments and belt sag considerations.

It's advisable also to consult conveyor design handbooks or suppliers for precise calculations, especially for critical applications.

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